Sewer Line Installation In Orange County

When laying a new sewer line there are guidelines set out by local authorities to ensure the proper installation of your system. The local codes vary as do the inspection requirements so be aware of your particular county’s rules. The upper laterals include all the piping from your home to the street, including the cleanout. The lower laterals are the pipes that extend from your property line underground into the public sewer.

The connection between the two is a tap. Sewers work on gravity so knowing your beginning elevation and your end elevation is important. The pipe’s slope must be calculated so that liquids and solids are easily able to exit your home and dump into the public sewer. A trench is dug below the frost line and a 4-inch PVC pipe is laid onto the compacted soil. A top dressing of sand or gravel is then applied to keep the line stable as dirt is backfilled over the new sewer line.

Call Us Today!

Experience and expertise are what we bring to your sewer line installation. Call us today to discuss your concerns and feel confident we can get the job done right!

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How To Extend The Life Of Plumbing Pipes

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