So, you’re planning on hosting a Super Bowl party this weekend? Super Bowl weekend is an exciting time filled with parties, friends, family, and potential plumbing disasters. If you are not careful this weekend you or your guests could create a plumbing nightmare come Monday morning. Here are some proactive plumbing tips to avoid a Super Bowl party plumbing headache.

Watch What Goes In The Garbage Disposal!

Your garbage disposal can be very delicate. While disposals are great for chopping up softer food scraps and other liquids, there are certain items that should never go down the garbage disposal or sink drain. Try to avoid putting stringy foods like lemon scraps in your disposal. Stringy food tends to get caught up in the blades causing clogs. Also, avoid other items like coffee grounds and apple cores. These can damage the blades of your disposal. The only things that should go in the garbage disposal are soft food scraps and liquids.

Do Not Pour Cooking Grease Down The Drain!

With lots of cooking and bar-be-queuing going on this weekend, it can be tempting to wash cooking grease down the sink drain, or even an outdoor sink drain. However, cooking grease is a “no no” for drains. The grease will eventually congeal in your drain pipes and lead to drain clogs. If you want to avoid having to contact a drain cleaning plumber, then we suggest sopping up the grease with paper towels and disposing of it in the garbage.

Watch What You Flush!

Sometimes your guests are not as smart as you when it comes to plumbing systems! They haven’t been reading our blog! It is very important to remind your party guests that you only allow toilet paper to be flushed down the toilet. Other items such as women’s hygiene products and baby wipes will definitely lead to drain pipe and sewer line clogs. You’ll be calling a sewer line plumber by Monday if too many baby wipes get flushed!

Looking For A Plumber In Orange County?

If you do happen to run into a plumbing disaster from your Super Bowl party, we are available to help! We are the plumber Orange County residents count on when they have serious plumbing problems. Our team has decades of experience unclogging drains, sewer lines, and repairing garbage disposals.  Contact us to schedule an appointment to discuss your plumbing needs.

  • plumbing-pipes

How To Extend The Life Of Plumbing Pipes

December 2nd, 2023|0 Comments

A plumbing system consists of a complicated series of pipes, fixtures, and appliances that provide the infrastructure to run a well-functioning home. In this article, we will focus solely on plumbing pipes and ways