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What To Do About Freezing Pipes


When outside temperatures begin to drop there is the unfortunate possibility that exposed pipes or pipes with little insulation may freeze. Frozen pipes may cause structural damage or costly repairs in your home. When the water in your pipes freezes, the ice expands causing increased pressure inside the pipe. This pressure can cause the pipe to burst and send unwanted water everywhere. Often times the pipe is buried in a wall or ceiling and the break is not noticed until serious damage is caused. It is important to find ways to keep your pipes warm and protected.

Keep The Heat On

There are many steps a homeowner can take to avoid freezing pipes. First, the heat in your home must always be kept on. A thermostat set at 50 degrees or higher is required to keep your pipes from freezing. Be certain to inform everyone living in the home to never turn the heat off and for their guests to follow the same rules. In rental properties, it is not uncommon for renters to turn the heat off and use alternative methods of heating their apartments in an effort to save money. As the landlord, you must keep them informed of the dangers of freezing pipes.

Some Drips Are Good

If you have areas in your home, such as a basement or attic, where you know the insulation is sparse or where pipes have been known to freeze in the past, you can open your faucet slightly so water is. It Will drip from the spout.  Moving water will not freeze and if the valve is left open the potentially damaging pressure cannot build and burst your pipes. If you have a cold and a hot water valve on your faucet both will need to be opened.

Open Sesame

Opening doors adjacent to cold spots in your home will help prevent frozen pipes. The warm air flowing from one room to the other may be just enough to keep conditions stable and your water from freezing. If the pipes are in a bathroom open the vanity doors as well to allow the warmer air to reach the pipes. Space heaters, if used properly, can also provide auxiliary heat to keep the compromised area warm.

Wrap Your Pipes

On pipes that are not insulated homeowners can purchase and apply heating tape which acts like a heating blanket for pipes. New technology has been utilized that signals to the tape when extra heat is needed and activates the tape to turn on. When heat is adequate, the sensors turn the heat feature off. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines to avoid starting a fire from this high-tech product. 

Insulation Is Key

Adding extra insulation to cold areas of your home such as attics or crawlspaces will keep cold air out and allow your pipes to function properly. Wrapping the pipes in either rubber or fiberglass insulation sleeves will keep your pipes safe from freezing temperatures. Even if you live in areas where cold weather is rare it is a good idea to wrap all exposed piping as a precautionary step Take a good look around your home and identify all the areas where pipes pass through floors, walls, and ceilings. Look for spaces around the pipes and fill them in with caulk or foam sprays made for insulation purposes. Be sure to apply caulk both on the interior and exterior surfaces surrounding the pipes.

It does not take much for exposed pipes in poorly heated areas to freeze. If the frozen pipes burst the damage can be extensive causing flooding, staining of walls and ceilings, warping of floors, and other major headaches for homeowners. Preventing freezing pipes will save you aggravation, improve the conditions within your home, save on your monthly energy costs, and allow you to sleep at night knowing your pipes are protected.

Are you worried that the pipes in your home are frozen? Contact us today! We are plumbing experts in Huntington Beach, Orange County, and the surrounding areas.

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