Plumbing is something that we take for granted. We turn on the faucet or shower and expect a gush of warm water to appear. We flush the toilet and expect everything to be whooshed away in an instant. In fact, most people rarely even think about plumbing repairs until something goes wrong.
Every home and business in Tustin, CA relies on a properly working plumbing system. One of the best ways to keep a small problem from turning into structural damage is to take care of plumbing repairs quickly, before water can soak into the floors and walls. While plumbing problems can range from a minor adjustment to a major replacement, there are a few that almost everyone experiences at some point.
Low Water Pressure
If your faucet drizzles water when it should gush out with force, your water pressure is low. There could be several causes for this. It is possible that the problem lies with your city’s water supply. But this is most commonly caused from either built-up deposits or sediment on the faucet aerators.
When water enters your pipes, it contains dissolved minerals that gather on metal surfaces. If your home doesn’t have a filtration system, these mineral deposits build on the inside of faucet aerators and shower heads. These screens become clogged, causing the water to flow slowly.
Removing and cleaning the aerators typically dissolves the corrosion. If you still experience low water pressure after a thorough cleaning, there could be a leak in the pipes leading into your home. For a complex repair like this, you will need to need to contact a licensed plumber to track down and solve the problem.
Dripping Faucets
A drippy faucet may not seem like a big deal. After all, it’s just a few drops of water, right? Well, besides being an annoyance, a faucet that drips could be adding a bundle to your utility bills, while wasting vital natural resources. So, what makes them drip in the first place?
When water enters your home, pressure is needed to make it move through your pipes. When the faucet is turned off, washers form a seal to keep more water from pushing through the tap. Made of rubber or silicone, these washers wear down over time or become damaged. This tiny gap in the seal allows water to slowly push through, causing the aggravating drip that is draining your wallet.
According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), a home with four faucets that drip a paltry three drips per minute wastes a gallon of water every day. As time passes, the seal will continue to degrade, and the gap will grow. In the same house, ten drips per minute adds up to an astounding 1,388 gallons of water each year.
Running Toilets
If your toilet continues to run after you flush it, and you need to jiggle the handle to make it stop, it could be a sign that its inner working parts need to be replaced. This is a simple fix, with the purchase and installation of a toilet repair kit.
However, the problem could be much more complex. After replacing the flapper, float, and fill tube, if you are still experiencing problems, you could have sediment blocking the proper functioning of your toilet. Silent leaks are another reason your water bill may be higher.
If the amount of wasted water didn’t make an impression in the last section, the cost of having a running toilet just might. Using the USGS drip calculator, a small leak that drips once per second wastes 2,082 gallons of water each year. An untended running toilet could end up costing you an additional $50 – $70 each month, meaning an estimated loss of $600 or more each year.
Leaking Pipes
A leaking pipe in your home can be an expensive annoyance. Usually occurring at joints, leaks can cause a puddle under your sink or under a pipe underneath your home. Replacing a pipe under the sink is a simple, but messy, job that you might prefer a professional do.
Sure, leaking pipes are going to waste water and money, just as the previous plumbing problems. But they can also cause extensive structural damage to your home. A running toilet or dripping faucet are easily noticed, while a leaking pipe could be hidden away from view for some time, breaking down the integrity of the building materials. If a leak develops under your home, the longer it leaks, the more structural damage your building is likely to incur.
Slow or Clogged Drains
If you run water in your sink or tub and it won’t drain out, chances are you have a clogged drain. Partial clogs cause the water to drain slowly, while a total blockage will refuse to move. There are many commercial drain cleaners that will work if the problem is only occasional. If the problem is happening consistently, you may have a bigger problem. That’s when you need to call a professional plumber.
Lowering the Risk of Plumbing Repair Problems
One of the best ways to reduce your plumbing problems is with regular plumbing repairs maintenance. Having a thorough inspection of your plumbing system gives you the chance to take care of problems before they grow into major issues. Routinely checking for corrosion, replacing parts that are worn or damaged, and regularly cleaning filters and pipes, will help keep your pipes, faucets, and drains working properly.
Finding Professional Plumbing Repair in Tustin, CA
Even with proper maintenance, you can still have problems with your plumbing system. As your home ages, so do your pipes and plumbing mechanisms. Constant use can wear down the parts of your toilets, sinks, and showers. Rust can degrade the metal components, leading to leaks or flooding.
Some issues can often be handled by a novice, while others require the training and skill of an experienced plumber. Be sure to choose one that is available for emergency issues 24/7, since emergencies never seem to happen when it’s convenient.
When you need dependable residential plumbing repairin Tustin, CA, call the experts at bluefrog Plumbing + Drain of Orange County. Our licensed plumbers have the experience to handle any job quickly and completely.
Photo By Andrey_Popov at Shutterstock

  • plumbing-pipes

How To Extend The Life Of Plumbing Pipes

December 2nd, 2023|0 Comments

A plumbing system consists of a complicated series of pipes, fixtures, and appliances that provide the infrastructure to run a well-functioning home. In this article, we will focus solely on plumbing pipes and ways